Friday, December 7, 2012

hey, so here's the latest...

I feel like first blog posts are those awkward, "I just met you and now I have to make small talk with you and gosh, I sure hope you like me, but if you don't, you don't" type of situations. I'm BriAnne, nice to meet you. Okay, that wasn't too awkward (I hope). I've decided that it's almost necessary to have a blog these days, just to keep people updated. Our families live approximately one million miles away and some things are just not FB appropriate, be it due to length or content. 
So yesterday marked my 8th week of pregnancy. Up until then, I had passing bloating; I was puffy one day but it was gone the next. Today, I'm not sure this bloating is going away. I feel (and look) like I ate an entire large pizza, only I didn't. I ran errands and I swear people were looking at me like, "wow, that girl needs to cut down on the beer." Yeah, it's like a little Buddha beer belly; the one I spent all summer trying to get rid of. 
I can't really complain too much: I can still fit into my skinny jeans (except the red H&M ones. it has to be a special no-bloat date to wear those, but that's H&M... you can't gain an ounce and still fit in their pants). I haven't been vomiting or too tired during the day. I'm pretty dead on the couch by 6pm (poor starving Jeff), but it's not too bad during work time (with the exception of a few afternoons). Some days, I want to eat everything and the next day I want to eat nothing. I'm craving yogurt (specifically plain Fage and mango Noosa), cottage cheese (specifically AE, which I can't get in Colorado), and cheese. I gag at the smell or thought of fish (Whole Foods about got me today with the seafood smell as I walked in) or beef (but that's pretty much all the time).
And now, here are some pics (I know my mom, mother in law, and Iowa friends are dying to see!) :)

four weeks and 3 days (11/11/2012)
skinny jeans are still baggy

six weeks and 3 days (11/25/2012)
still rockin' the skinnies
(I look like crap. It was Sunday.)

eight weeks on the nose (12/6/2012)
I suggested that we stop taking pics on Sundays ;)
I'm looking a little round - in my defense, I had just eaten a huge dinner (or there's something growing in me, whatever :)
*something else worth noting - my boobs blew up between week six and eight. the average chick goes up two bra sizes during the course of being pregnant. sweet.*

Okay, so there's that. You're pretty much caught up.
I'll ramble atcha later!


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